Photo Scanning - Ultra High Resolution Scans of Slides, Film & Prints

For large prints and artwork scanning see:
  Digitising Paintings & Artworks

The difference between a 'Digital Master' and a basic scan:

Roll your mouse over the image to see a basic scan with no image optimisation.
Photo by Craig Fallshaw


Digital Masters Australasia purchased a $400,000 Kodak dual Photo CD / Pro Photo CD the early '90s and launched our Photo CD Scanning & Image Mastering Services. We have since produced over a million scans for professional photographers, designers, governnent departments, scientific institutions and movie companies (Moulin Rouge, Star Wars Episodes II & III etc.)

When Kodak cancelled their support for Pro Photo CD systems in 2004 we refurbished the fantastic $130,000 Kodak Professional Film Scanner. and set it up to run off our Mac network. This scanner features a 'scratch & dust minimising' light source, Schneider optics and unique high tension film holders (no oil mounting or emulsion contact).

Flextite Scans: We also use the high resolution 8,000ppi Flextite scanner which curves the film around the optical path to keep the emuslsion perfectly aligned during scanning without using a glass plate that can introduce two surfaces of dust!

Combining the output from such a high end scanners with digital reprography technology like our Betterlight Art Scanning Camera system allows us to provide some of the best digital imaging solutions in Australia: From bulk digitisation of historical photo archives through artwork digitisation, to the ultra high resolution, high dynamic range scans needed for fine art and exhibition printing. Our imaging and retouching skills can turn ordinary scans into 'Digital Masters'...


We Can Supply Maximum Resolution 'Raw' 48bit Unfetouched Film Scans...

Giving you the maximum detail and tonal range from every film frame so you can optimise, retouch and scale down the images in-house: Please email David Myers or call to discuss your needs: (02) 9949 6090

Click image to 'Zoom Into' a super high res 6 x 9cm scan. ( 3,200dpi resolution for a 2.4m print.)

Customised Scanning Services...

From as little as $3.30 per scan from each film frame or print to maybe over a hundred dollars per scan incorporating extensive professional retouching, montaging, colour fixes etc. on ultra high resolution scans. Do not fear - everything is costed according to your EXACT needs and your budget and agreed upon prior to job commencement...

This service represents the bulk of our work. That is where the name, 'DIGITAL MASTERS' came from , 'digitally mastering' images! It is a 'bespoke' service that no one else offers - scans tailored EXACTLY to your needs, your printers requirements (if appropriate) and most essentially YOUR BUDGET!

1. Send an email to me, David Myers with the details of your originals, example: Film frames on strips, mounted slides, cut roll film frames, sheet film, photo prints and size, magazine pages and size range, books and sizes etc.

2. Tell me what you want to do with the images: mA.) Get low resolution files to view onscreen only. B.) Get higher resolution files that can be viewed onscreen and also printed around postcard size for family albums. mC.)Get scans that will print at specific sizes like A4 (magazine page size) A3 (double page) or larger - I will advise when I see the originals!

3. Tell me if you are working on a project that requires specific colour matching and file formats for fine art prints (we specialise in that work), exhibition printing (we specialise inn this work also) or commercial displays and I can then offer you the most high fidelity or simply the most cost effective options! mRemember - just eMail me to get started: David Myers


Additional Retouching and Print Layout Services...

Professional Retouching: Global and localised colour corrections, tonal adjustments, vignetting correction, Technical and product retouching, cosmetic retouching, blemish removal, element removal, background replacement, compositing, montaging and print template design with title, logo and signature etc.
By quote at $120.00 hr.

Online Proof Gallery with a private link, stored on our own server: To co-ordinate your cropping, retouching, layout and print needs. Free! Updated at no charge as you get additional originals digitised.


Important Scanning & Imaging Information...

1. Bit Depth: Our professional scans are supplied as 48 bit files (16 bits per RGB colour channel). A 48bit image does not have a greater dynamic range (maximum shadow to maximum highlight range) than 24bit but more tonal 'steps' within this range. Monitors can't display all these tonal steps but they are essential to avoid banding, solarisation effects and noise when an image is tonally optimised to make a Digital Master file.

2. Colour Space: Our professional scans are output with 'Adobe RGB' colour space. This large colour space is used for professional photographic and fine art Giclee printing. Our volume 'Image-Pack' scans are output as sRGB because this is the generic colour space used by uncalibrated Windows computers, 'home/office user' software and low cost 'mini-lab' and 'kiosk' print services. Adobe RGB files can be converted DOWN to the smaller sRGB colour space but if you convert sRGB files UP to Adobe RGB you will still have a file with missing colours!

3. File Formats: For professional scans we supply uncompressed single or multi layer TIF files in Windows format as Macintosh computers will also open these. We can also supply as PSD (PhotoShop) files and other formats but you should be aware that some compression is inherant. We supply our volume scan 'Image-Pack' files as compressed JPG files - the format most preferred by 'home/office user' software, low cost 'mini-lab' and 'kiosk' print services and email / online imaging applications. JPG compression ranges from '1' - lowest quality image, highest compression, smallest file size to '12' - highest quality image, lowest compression, largest file size. We do not use compression levels lower than level 7 - no compression artifacts will be visible on prints.

4. Dust & Scratch Removal: All film and print surfaces are cleaned with dry compressed air prior to scanning but we will not apply any cleaning solvents or oils to valuable originals! Our $130,000 professional film scanner has a unique laser etched high intensity 110mm light bar that is narrow enough to maintain image contrast but broad enough to 'wrap' light around small embedded dust particles and fine scratches and minimise flaws. Sub $2,000 desktop film scanners use tiny fluorescent or LED light sources that actually exagerate dust, scratches and flaws! They fix this problem by using an infra red light scan to 'map' the suface debris followed by pixel 'cloning' to automatically retouch over the affected areas. Sadly, like anything automatic it often gets things wrong - removing fine image details which only become apparent at high resolution. It might be OK for small amateur scans but we only offer hand retouching by a digital artist!


Bulk Scanning of Image Archives...

We have over 20 years experience creating cost effective cutomised image digitisation, asset management and on demand printing services. With low cost digitisation packages for clubs, corporations and even family needs...

"Honey I Digitised the Family!"

Why not get everyone's old family albums, shoe boxes full of prints and slides, get everything digitised properly and create a family image archive before it is too late and those precious photos fade away! -We have been creating government and corporate image archive libraries for over 20 years and have a huge range of options. See our Facebook Page for current prices or email me, David Myers

We even provide free online galleries with PRIVATE ACCESS links so you can share your images with family and friends. See these examples:  Family Archive Collection    Bondi Surf Bathers Life Saving Club    Rural Fire Service    North Bondi Surf Life Saving Club



Please email or call us on (02) 9949 6090 for more information and bookings
Please visit this page for information on digitial reprography  of artworks

Is your monitor calibrated for accurately viewing images?
You should see dark grey squares in the top 'black' bar. Quick Calibration

..Simply click on the big red + for file transfer information!

.. Visit our Digital Masters'     pages for the latest news!

By Appointment: 14 Kitchener Street    Balgowlah    Sydney NSW 2093   All Enquiries via eMail
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Site design, imaging and creation by David Myers of  DIGITALMASTERS australasia  Online since 1994


The 48bit Difference

Archival Printing
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Archival Certificate
with selected media

Monitor Calibration

Using Adobe RGB Professional Print
Colour Settings

Photo Restorations

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